Medical, Healthcare

Bio-cleaning in the medical and hospital sector 

The medical sector requires an impeccable quality of hygiene in order to eradicate micro-organisms and dirt, thus reducing the risks of contamination for the health of the personnel and the patients. Our equipment allows for high quality disinfection, cleaning and degreasing without any chemicals, using only water.

Our steam plants are designed and thought to be used in the medical and hospital environment (CE medical certification).  The dry steam produced by our steam plants reaches a temperature of 130°C at the outlet of the accessory at 10 bar pressure.

The steam liquefies the grease and at the same time eradicates the particles of dirt present inside it. This bioneting whose efficiency is superior or equal to the expensive and toxic detergent, allows to disinfect and sanitize all types of surfaces such as windows, bedding, floors, walls, metal frames etc…
Our range of accessories offers the possibility of disinfection and cleaning on surfaces that are difficult or impossible to access for the cleaning agent.

One of our accessories, the Diffuser, has the ability to diffuse a large amount of steam in a room accompanied or not by essential oils thus providing a deodorizing and sanitizing function of the air.

La grande faculté de désinfection de la vapeur, dont un résultat instantané, donne une réelle importance à celle-ci dans les hôpitaux, clinique, cabinet etc… qui d’ailleurs est de plus en plus présent dans ce secteur. 
 La température élevée de la vapeur sèche supprime facilement et efficacement le biofilm sur toute surface, sachant que les micro-organismes sont de plus en plus compliquée à éradiquer avec des produits chimiques, détergents, du à leur accommodation à ceux-ci. 
De surcroit, le bionettoyage vapeur vous permet d’adapter un comportement éco-responsable dans l’air du temps et apporte des conditions de travail plus saine, sécurisé et agréable pour tous. 
Des économies seront également faite car une fois propriétaire d’une machines XRVAP PRO l’achat de produits chimiques ou détergents ne sera plus nécessaire. 
Toutes nos machines sont conformes à la norme CE. 

The high disinfection capacity of steam, which gives an instant result, gives a real importance to it in hospitals, clinics, offices etc… which is more and more present in this sector. 

 The high temperature of dry steam easily and effectively removes biofilm on any surface, knowing that microorganisms are increasingly complicated to eradicate with chemicals, detergents, due to their accommodation to them. 

In addition, the steam cleaning allows you to adapt an eco-responsible behavior in the air of time and brings healthier working conditions, safe and pleasant for all. 

Savings will also be made because once owner of a XRVAP PRO machine the purchase of chemicals or detergents will not be necessary. 
All our machines are CE compliant.

Each machine can be modulated with various specific options
regarding the needs of the professional. 

INOX 8000

INOX 7500